Message from Campus Chief

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the present day world is becoming more competitive and challenging and those persons can be successful who can hve curiosity, creativeness and confidence in their area. At present time, out education has to prepare the students to face the challenges of national and global competition. You will definitely find the Bageshwari Multiple Campus (BMC) committed to the changes and reforms in modern education system focusing on the disciplene of multiple faculties. So, BMC always says that 'Potential academic excellancy into reality'. 
BMC is that garden where the different kinds of learning flowers can be blossomed and flourished by providing satisfying academic atomsphere. It is the BMC which can join the students with their academic excellence of global knowledge on the path of perfection. Education is the major source of civiliation which can lead our students towards positive thinking and behavior. That's why, BMC is building proper rapport between spiritualism and materialism by providing the education in multiple disciplines. 
We want to establish our human resources as BAGESHWARI i.e., B-Brilliant, A-Academic, G-Generative, E-Energetic, S-Systematic, H-Highly eompetent, W-Well planned, A-Assurence, R-Responsible, I-Intellectual. Who can contribute for the bright future of our society and nation including international community. Finally as campus chief, I acknowledge the efforts of all the genius staffs, hardworking students, supportive guardians, ecouraging as well al best wishers for bringing BMC at the glow of pride.

Dan Hamal

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the present day world is becoming more competitive and challenging and those persons can be successful who can hve curiosity, creativeness and confidence in their area. At present time, out education has to prepare the students to face the challenges of national and global competition. You will definitely find the Bageshwari Multiple Campus (BMC) committed to the changes and reforms in modern education system focusing on the disciplene of multiple faculties. So, BMC always says that ‘Potential academic excellancy into reality’. BMC is that garden where the different kinds of learning flowers can be blossomed and flourished by providing satisfying academic atomsphere. It is the BMC which can join the students with their academic excellence of global knowledge on the path of perfection. Education is the major source of civiliation which can lead our students towards positive thinking and behavior. That’s why, BMC is building proper rapport between spiritualism and materialism by providing the education in multiple disciplines. We want to establish our human resources as BAGESHWARI i.e., B-Brilliant, A-Academic, G-Generative, E-Energetic, S-Systematic, H-Highly eompetent, W-Well planned, A-Assurence, R-Responsible, I-Intellectual. Who can contribute for the bright future of our society and nation including international community. Finally as campus chief, I acknowledge the efforts of all the genius staffs, hardworking students, supportive guardians, ecouraging as well al best wishers for bringing BMC at the glow of pride.